Aug 30, 2018
To All the Boys I've Loved Before Summary/Review
Let me start out by saying that my definition of fall has already started! The Pumpkin Spiced Latte came out on the 28th and I already...

Sep 15, 2017
Since You've Been Gone Summary/Review
Ok, I'm being honest it took me way too long to read this book. Life and school and sports happened. This year I'm on my school's...

Jun 4, 2017
Every Last Word Summary/Review
I kinda had a hard time getting through this book for various reasons but I finally finished it! Yay for me!! So funny story about this...

May 16, 2017
Everything Everything Summary/Review
So here we are again. I wanted to get this up before the movie comes out, which I am so excited to see!! :0 (Btw I had no idea what this...

Mar 1, 2017
Holding Up the Universe Summary/Review
This is my second summary and review! Two in a month?! What?! I know right? I feel the same way. The thing is I'm trying to fulfill a...

Feb 19, 2017
Dreamology Summary/Review
I'm finally getting around to writing this review! Took me long enough. lol. Book: Dreamology Author: Lucy Keating Summary: The story...