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Every Last Word Summary/Review

I kinda had a hard time getting through this book for various reasons but I finally finished it! Yay for me!!

So funny story about this summary/review, I live out in the middle of nowhere so our internet connection sucks major butt. Anyway, today was the perfect reading day and it's cool and kinda gloomy and cloudy outside just the way I like it. I really wanted to read a new book because my June TBR is sky high, but I never want to start a book until I write about the first one. there are two reasons for this: 1.) I can't really remember what happens when I do finally sit down to write and 2.) I can't really fully immerse myself in a new book. Part of me doesn't let the old book leave my mind until I write about it. You could say it puts my mind at ease when I write. So back to what I was saying before I interrupted myself, I could not get the blog to come up. I seriously couldn't and I wasted probably about 2 hours getting madder and madder. Then I got an idea and kinda took a back door to my blog. Guess what? It worked the first time!!! I was both relieved and kinda ticked at the same time. I mean, I spent 2 hours waiting on this blog page and refreshing the browser over and over again just to take it another way and it loads right away. It's kinda one of those things you just have to take a step back and laugh about it.

So enough storytime, now it's on to the real thing. I think I'm going to try something new, at least for my blog. I have seen it on other people's blogs, it's rating the books. I was hesitant to do this at first because I'm new to really analyzing books which means I don't really know what I'm talking about, but I really like it. It's not a new concept either. I just wanted to tell y'all so you don't freak out. So now you know there is an explanation.

Sorry, sorry ok, now on to what you are really here for.

Book: Every Last Word

Author: Tamara Ireland Stone

Book Rating: 3.5 stars out of 5


On the surface, Samantha McAllister looks like a cookie-cutter popular girl. Together she and her super-rich girl friends make up the Crazy Eights. Although it's now down to a group of five, who have known each other since elementary school, the name just kinda stuck.

But she has a secret, that if known by the rest of her friends would end her sweet high school life of epic parties and VIP concert tickets. She has Purely-Obsessional OCD which can cause her thoughts to spiral out of control. These unstoppable dark thought trails are the reason she sees a counselor every Wednesday. And the secrets just start adding as she meets and befriends a totally unique and free spirit named Caroline.

Caroline changes her life for the better as they spend more time together. But when Sam is introduced to Poet's Corner her life is turned completely upside-down. She is captured by the environment and the people how to have such a beautiful and trusting relationship. Poetry fills a hole she never knew she had; And let's not forget about AJ, the total guitar-playing hottie who has the cutest dimple when he smiles.

As time goes on it seems that all the pieces are finally falling into place, she finally feels "normal". And yeah sure, secrets are secrets, but even Shrink Sue can't deny that Sam is getting better right? But in the blink of an eye her new normal comes crashing down and she has to question her own sanity.


Ok to start off for people who are wondering why the low rating ( I can already hear the hate) I have a couple of answers for you:

1.) I found it a little too boring. Like I said in the beginning, I felt I had more important and exciting things I could be doing.

2.) I thought that the story was kinda cookie-cutter, as far as contemporary goes. The love story aspect was so-so. To me, the only factors that set it apart from others was the main character's struggle with OCD and the ending.

Let's talk about that ending tho!! Dang! it was totally unexpected for me! Ok yeah sure, when I look back on it I did see like one or two clues but still, it totally blindsided me! It left me dumbstruck and amazed at the same time, which is why I gave the rating half a star more. I was fascinated that our brain can make something so believable to cope with certain situations! I am trying so hard not to give away what happens! If you have already read it please tell me if I accidentally spoiled it. I try to never put spoilers in these summary/reviews just in case someone hasn't read the book.

Mechanics time! Whoop Whoop!

Only one POV which makes my life easier. So that's the POV paragraph taken care of.

It was an easy read too, so that's another paragraph taken care of.

I did like the character development of Sam. I really felt the inner turmoil inside was totally believable. I read the author's note and found out that Stone really did her research on OCD. She talked with countless professionals, read numerous studies and blogs, and even loosely based the character, Sam, on a close family friend. That's what I really love about this book.

Alrighty, I think I'm all out of things to say. This review was in no way me bashing the author and I feel I am staying extremely respectful. This is just how I felt about this book. It is safe to say this book was not my favorite, but I did learn from it. I hope I didn't offend anyone.

I just thought of something that I think I am going to start adding. I feel that in every book there will be some great quote in it and I will start marking it. So here it is if you are still reading this because if you are, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

"Mistakes. Trial and error. Same thing. Mistakes are how we learned to walk and run and that hot things burn when you touch them. You've made mistakes all your life and you're going to keep making them."


"The trick is to recognize your mistakes, take what you need from them, and move on."

"I can't move on."

"You can't beat yourself up, either."

Peace out rainbow trout. Until the next Summary/Review!!

- Mei-Lin Rose

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