Since You've Been Gone Summary/Review
Ok, I'm being honest it took me way too long to read this book. Life and school and sports happened. This year I'm on my school's volleyball team. (This has been something quite new because for all my life I only ever participated in individual sports. I started just for the sisterhood and comradery. Anyway, the point of that was my excuse for being busy. :(
Yeah sounds pretty lame. But it's all I got.
Oh, and my best friend just switched schools after 7 years together! So, I've been pretty depressed and not wanting to read. AT ALL!!! You're probably thinking "That's a SIN!!"
Yeah. Yeah, it is. >:(
Anyway, I hope this one doesn't seem rushed because the bff wants it and of course since it's my favorite contemporary I'm eager to hand it over!
Also, this is the first book I have ever successfully read not once but TWICE!! That just shows my love for it even more.
I'm going to start out by saying I super-duper recommend this book!
Nuff said!!!
That's the end of my uber-long introduction I never plan for but just happens.
Book: Since You've Been Gone
Author: Morgan Matson
Rating: 5 stars out of 5

Two years with Sloane, the best friend that always was the life of the party; the outgoing side to Sloane and Emily. Two years together and this was going to be the summer to top it all off... that was until Emily came back from a vacation to find her friend gone...vanished like she was never there. House boarded up and cars are gone.
Then the list came. 13 things that were just so... so Sloane.
Sleep under the stars...simple enough.
Kiss a stranger...ok sure?
It was the only thing Sloane left and if by some small chance it could bring the two together again, Emily would take no matter what it takes...
Go skinny-dipping...hold up wait a moment!
And why is Frank Porter here?! (He is maybe the most unexpected part of the whole thing)
This was definitely not the summer Emily planned...but maybe that's a good thing.
This book mainly deals with a kinda coming of age theme. I say this because Emily has to come out of her shell and discover who she really is without Sloane who, in the last two years, had become somewhat of a security blanket for her. She learns that she really can make friends and also how to be braver. She learned that she doesn't have to shrink away from a new experience just because of fear.
She learned how to take risks. to go for what she wants. Which sometimes gets her in trouble.
This book has only one POV- from Emily. but what makes it unique is that it goes in the past. The past is still from her POV but the font changes so you can tell the difference. Also, the past portions really pertain to the main chapter. You can really tell the connection between the past and present.
I also really like that some of the chapters are named after the challenges on the list. It really ties the book together.
But my favorite aspect of the book is the use of playlists! It really shows that the author went above and beyond. She took time to sort out all the details to make the book the best it can be. Maybe that was my favorite thing about reading it a second time, I could listen to all the songs from the book in a playlist (look it up on Spotify. Its called "In a well-ordered universe". It's a fan-made playlist that's a tribute to the book.) I'm telling you it really brought the book to life (not to mention it's got classics and some I had never heard of before.) I highly recommend the playlist.
Also, lastly, It's a pretty easy read. There are a couple of words I had to look up, but only a handful of them. Not very many at all.
This is all I really have left to say about this book. It's an enjoyable read perfect for any summertime read. Great contemporary. it's one of my favorites for a reason. It's not just my favorite by Morgan Matson but by tons of others. Just ask any other Matson fan. Also, that ending is picture perfect and makes me happy and giddy.
Quotes time:
"I don't think you have to do something so big to be brave. And it's the little things that are harder anyway."
"In a well-ordered universe..."
That's it! If you read the book you would have gotten that last one, so read the book to be in on the club!!!
I've got to go to bed because I've spent way too many hours on this. I wrote this all in one go.
Nighty Night!!!
- Mei-Lin Rose