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King's Cage Summary/Review!!!!

Ok Ok I know it's been two months since I've done a review and I'm really sorry about that!! :( These past couple of months has really been crazy! I have gone to school overnight trips, campouts, and was even in a play! so almost every weekend is something new and I haven't really had a real weekend to myself yet.

Anyways, I also started a bookstagram (@therose_reads) last month so I have been pretty busy and distracted with all that. But not enough to keep me from reading new books!

So while I'm on the topic let's start the review!

So for this review, I'm going to just assume you have already read the first two books. That's partly why it took me this long to get a review up. I was contemplating putting one up because I thought I would have to make reviews about the other two but I just decided against it because I kinda read them so fast that I don't really remember all that happens and I have this weird thing that I can't read a book twice. I have never successfully read a book a second time. I know it's weird and I hate it because I feel like it's a waste of books and money. I'm hoping that maybe if I find the right book I will break that habit (or serious problem as I call it).

Ugh rambling again!! Here we go for reals

Book: King's Cage

Author: Victoria Aveyard


So shit hits the fan right at the beginning of the book (excuse my French). But seriously it gets crazy! Mare is now stuck in the castle and Maven just parades her around on a collar and leash. Did I mention the collar has freaking spikes that actually cut into her!! She is literally bleeding! Like yikes, Victoria getting dark. 0 to 100 real freaking quick!

Mare is stuck in the kingdom (like Princess Peach). Between the Silent stone and Arven's she is rendered useless. Without her lightning, she is nothing more than a regular girl at the hands of a monster king disguised as a boy she used to love. But she still has her old was of thievery, reflexes, and a quick mind. She also has time, time to reflect on all her mistakes, and if Maven doesn't kill her conscience will.

Mare is Mavens only focus in this sick game he calls love and will stop at nothing to keep her by his side. No matters how wrong it seems. After all, he is one who finally has her, after all this time.

Cal on the other hand, is working, thinking, and training for the perfect moment to steal Mare back. He spends every waking moment strategizing ways to get her back, even if it means working with the Scarlet Guard and sheading silver blood in the process. Although he would rather keep the latter from happening if at all possible.

Will Cal and Mare be able to reunite? And if they do things will be different, that much is certain. There is only so much you can try to forget.


This book gives you more insight into Maven's past. In the book, there is one very haunting question (at least to me).

Mare ask Maven, while they are alone together,

"How much of it was her?"

This simple question blew me away. But the answer left me with nothing. After some time and some dialect later he answers.

"You ask how much of it was me," he whispers. "Some. Enough."

If you don't know who she is referring to, they're talking about his mother. I can't really go into detail because the easiest way to sum it up is to hand you the books.

Here's another part I really liked:

Funny, Maven called himself Cal's shadow, but now Cal is the shadow now, haunting every corner of Maven's fragile kingdom.

This is just so spooky but beautiful at the same time.

Evangeline also gets some love. Her mother makes more than a few appearances too. *shudder* (that woman gives me the heebie-jeebies especially her snake dresses and accessories)

Another character is elaborated on through the books. her name is Cameron. Cameron was one of the Newbloods that Mare successfully saved. I personally don't really like Cameron all that much but she was necessary and I will go into that more in-depth later in the mechanics part.

So we're now in the mechanic's section of the review! Yay almost there! The language of this book is a little bit more challenging. I had to lookup more than a couple of words, but that's what I like about Aveyard's books they make me think and learn new words from them. The book itself is 507 pages long including the epilogue. But in all her books the epilogue adds more story and can kinda be important, SO READ THE EPILOGUE!! Anyways 507 pages make this her longest book!

This book did have multiple POVs. actually liked the chapters from multiple views. Ok I'm just going to say it and it might spoil the book a little bit but Cameron does have chapters told from her point of view. The only reason I'm saying it now is because it was completely necessary for the book! That was the only way we're going to figure out what was going on with Cal and the Scarlet Guard. Please don't get mad at me! But there is one other person who gets some chapters too. But I'm not telling

The book itself is really pretty. Same end sheets, the book goes along with the others in color, it's quite a bit larger than the others though. But probably the biggest thing is *drum roll please* THERE IS A MAP!! Yes, there is an actual map of Norta and the surrounding countries. Crazy and amazing right?!

There is so much action in this book! It hardly ever slows down, which I happen to like in a book because slow books literally kill me(like rip).

This was a really great read and I can't wait to read the next one because of that ending!! Ugh, my heart!! Why Victoria Why?!?!

Victoria Aveyard is really good, like too good, at cliffhangers, but she is like my favorite author of all time so I expected nothing less from her.

Let's just say that my emotions were EVERYWHERE!!! I was mostly crying for all the characters. They're all my babies! I didn't like Maven at first, but now he is my son! My emotions are everywhere right now so I think I'm going to go and try and calm back down. Until next time!

- Mei-Lin Rose

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